Big Ideas by Kate Gardiner

No More

I am wandering the wilderness of France this week dodging protests and celebrating the anniversary of my birth. Which is to say I’m positive we’re eating well. And I … like eating well.

It was dinner as theater, an incredible experience — but we left the kitchen so very very hungry that most folks stayed up all night eating junk food from street vendors


Hello, friends, and happy scam season. To usher in the spirit, let me tell you a story.

It’s easy to look away from potential wrongdoing when you want to believe an optimistic story.

Goodnight, Moon

I can’t remember the first time I read Goodnight Moon — probably because my parents started reading it to me before my infant brain could really catalog memory. Chances are, you had a similar experience. The book turns 75 this year, and over that time, it’s sold over 48 million copies, touching at least that many lives, time and time over.

And how many of us get professionally tasked with extra emotional management simply because we’re good at it (er, we’re female)?